Sunday, March 11, 2012

Momma, say sorry

My name is Katelan Pryor, and my major is currently Exploring. I don't normally write poetry, so this wasn't very easy to do. It took about 5 days, working on and off on it. Inspiration came from family issues, which is something I though is something a lot of people could relate to. Here it goes:

Maybe I want to be free
like the leaf when it let's go
the arrow coming from a bow
I think It'd be best for me

Leave the weight behind
let my spirit do the talking
my heart do the walking
and keep your hatred confined

I'll smile like the sun
when I see that white rise
because there'll be nothing left to despise
knowing both battles are done

But until that day
I'll keep wishing
that maybe you'll say
I'm sorry

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