In the essay, Shrouded in Contradiction, the narrator feels obligated to wear a Hijab around in public because it is very important in her culture and religion. Even though she grew up wearing "mini skirts" and would rather not wear hijabs, she feels she has to in order to fit in with the rest of the women. She does not like to because she enjoys the wind in her hair and feels really hot in the heat of Iran wearing a hijab. Although she does not like to wear hijabs, she still values the culture and the head dress that Muslim women wear.
Me and my entire family are Muslims and I respect everything about the religion as well as the rest of my family does. My mother and sister both choose not to wear a hijab for the same reason, they're claustrophobic. That isn't the only reason, they also enjoy not having to wear one just like the narrator says she does. They enjoy things like the wind in their hair, styling their hair the way they want and being able to show it off.
From the Nobel Prize speech, my favorite passage was "today, in the rising of inflation...the Burmese government is undoubtedly reaping as it has sown" (Suu Kyi, 597), which is the point in the speech where he sets the tone of the speech and the future of the Burmese government.
In 1990, Aung San Suu Kyi, the focus of the speech, was a democracy activist. She campaigned against the dictatorship when there were general elections open to the public. She was detained by the regime and was banned from participating in the elections. She was constantly released and detained all over again for holding political meetings in different parts of the country.
You have to give this woman credit, she is truely fighting for what she wants. Not many people are willing enough to be continuously seperated from their families and be in and out of jail just for a cause.