When reading Letter from Birmingham Jail, by Martin Luther King Jr., the thing that meant the most to me was how stubborn the blacks were during all the harrassment they went through. They trained themselves to just sit there and take what was thrown at them, giving no response verbally or physically. I think it definitly takes a powerful person to sit there and be called names or be beat, without doing anything or saying a word. MLK asked himself multiple times, "'Are you able to accept blows without retaliating?'" and the answer to this question was yes. The blacks were smart by taking the nonviolent approach to the situation, because otherwise the police would have had an easier reason to arrest them. Another thing that stood out to me was how long it took the blacks to actually get rights and have a say in the country. Like it says in the reading, the blacks were always told "wait" but waiting too long eventually turns into a "never".
The Kelly Ingrama Park is located in Birmingham, Alabama, and today serves as a monument or place to visit to learn a little about history. But, back in 1963, the park served as a meeting place for boycotts and protests, led by Martin Luther King Jr. and Fred Shuttlesworth. The park is located right outside the doors of the 16th Street Baptist Church. Protests here to end public segregation led to multiple arrests, and sometimes more violent acts such as police dogs or spraying of fire hoses.
When reading Letter from Birmingham Jail, by Martin Luther King Jr., the thing that meant the most to me was how stubborn the blacks were during all the harrassment they went through. They trained themselves to just sit there and take what was thrown at them, giving no response verbally or physically. I think it definitly takes a powerful person to sit there and be called names or be beat, without doing anything or saying a word. MLK asked himself multiple times, "'Are you able to accept blows without retaliating?'" and the answer to this question was yes. The blacks were smart by taking the nonviolent approach to the situation, because otherwise the police would have had an easier reason to arrest them. Another thing that stood out to me was how long it took the blacks to actually get rights and have a say in the country. Like it says in the reading, the blacks were always told "wait" but waiting too long eventually turns into a "never".
The Kelly Ingrama Park is located in Birmingham, Alabama, and today serves as a monument or place to visit to learn a little about history. But, back in 1963, the park served as a meeting place for boycotts and protests, led by Martin Luther King Jr. and Fred Shuttlesworth. The park is located right outside the doors of the 16th Street Baptist Church. Protests here to end public segregation led to multiple arrests, and sometimes more violent acts such as police dogs or spraying of fire hoses.
Talk about the center of the Civil Rights universe, imagine what all this park has seen. Blood, explosions, riots, and full out sieges.
ReplyDeleteI think that it might be cool to visit a historical site like this.