Monday, January 9, 2012

Akash's Intro

My name is Akash Patel, I am a freshman at OSU studying Computer Science and Engineering. I enjoying playing sports, playing video games, and watching football. What interested me the most about Frederick Douglas was that he taught himself how to read and became such a great writer without a proper education.


  1. I agree with you about Douglass, he really wasn't supposed to be able to read and write yet he did. That is what amazes me about him. I also think that Computer Science and Engineering would be a really fun career to pursue. I have always wondered about engineering. Good luck to you!

  2. Hey Akash. I think its cool that you are going into Computer Science and Engineering. I wish I knew more about computers considering that is one field of work that is growing each year. And I agree with you about Douglas. Being able to teach yourself how to read and write is truly an amazing feat.

  3. That's cool that you are studying Computer Science and Engineering. I was originally going to study the same thing. It is amazing that Frederick Douglass was able to teach himself how to read and write at that level.

  4. I like that we share the same interests, and that you enjoyed the piece about Frederick Douglass.
